重要通知 Important Announcement
新学期注册 Registration Information
1. For this school year, online registration at http://gpccs.org *School office hour 1:00-2:30 on school day or by appointment.
本校今年网上報名 ,網址 gpccs.org. 学校辦公室開放1:00-2:30pm。家长可以在新网站注册,報名。
2.Registration procedures are changed due to the COVID-19. 注册程序因疫情变更如下
Date日期 | Registration Timeline 注册流程 |
Start on 7/11 7月11日开始 | Registration online. 网上注冊。 Online registration tutorial videos: Video1, Video2, Video3, Video4, Video5 – If you still have issue during online registration, please send your contact info to meiling.chiang1@gmail.com 网上注册教学视频:视频1,视频2,视频3,视频4,视频5 – 如果你在注册过程中还有问题不能解决,请将你的联系方式发送到 meiling.chiang1@gmail.com |
7/30 1:30-3:00PM Turn in payment check and pick up textbook, map and info will be available on website . 付款及领取课本,地图及具体信息请留意学校网站 | Next available schedule for in person registration, check payment, and pick up of textbook (check #4 below on what classes need textbook.) Time: July 30, 1:30-3:00 PM Location: 890 W. Ray Road, Chandler, AZ85225 For those doing registration online with questions, please join ZOOM (meeting ID 83322262831, passcode 7312022) for Q/A 下次可到校面对面注册,用支票付款,及领取课本信息 (关于哪个班级需要领取课本请看下面第4项) 时间:7月30日下午1点半到3点 地点:890 W. Ray Road, Chandler, AZ85225 如果不到办公室只在网上注册,有问题可以到ZOOM (meeting ID 83322262831, passcode 7312022) 上来提问。 – For payment with check, please write check payable to GPCCS; For payment with Zelle, our Zelle account name is The Greater Phoenix Chinese and account email is gpccsacc2020@gmail.com – Please print the payment slip and bring it with your payment check (Write the registration ID on check memo, if you paid with Zelle, please write down your Zelle account email or phone number on the payment slip.) when you come pick up books/materials between 1:30-3:00 pm at school office on 07/30/2022, please wear face mask and keep social distance. gpccs.org – No need to show up if you have paid online using zelle and do not need a new text book (Or your class does not require a text book) – If you want to try the class you registered first, please keep the textbook clean and do not write on it so that you can return it for an exchange. – 如果用支票缴费,请在支票台头上写GPCCS; 如果是用Zelle缴费,我们的Zelle 账户名字是 The Greater Phoenix Chinese, 账户邮箱是 gpccsacc2020@gmail.com – 请打印你的收费单并在7月30日来学校领取书本的时候把收费单和支票(请把注册ID写在支票的备注栏上,如果你已经用Zelle交了钱,请把你的Zelle账户邮箱或者电话号码写在收费单上)一同带来。关于如何和何时来领取书本/教学资料的最终详细信息我们会很快张贴在学校网站gpccs.org – 如果你已在网上完成注冊和用zelle交费,并且你不需要新课本(或者課程没有课本),您可以不必來学校。 – 如果你想先试课,请保持课本干净,不要在课本上写字,以便退换课本。 |
7/31 | First Day of School 開学日 |
3. 学校7月31日实体開学,要求戴口罩。7/31 – First day of school, all classes are in person. Mask is required.
4. Classes need pick up new text book – Simplify 1-9, All traditional classes, bilingual 1.
- Class material preparation cost only and no need to pick up new text book or materials: Conversation I & II, all Pre-school & kindergarten
- Continue using last semester book, no need to pick up new text book: Bilingual 2, 3, 4
- AP text book will be ordered by students, no need to pick up new text book.
需要來学校領取课本書的班級:簡一至簡九, 正体班, bilingual I (双语一班)。
- 只收材料准备費沒有课本,不需要取课本/材料: 成人会话一,二班,所有的学前班和幼儿班.
- 仍用去年课本,不需要取课本: 双语二,三,四班.
- 中文大学选修课由学生自己购买课本,不需要取课本。
5. Additional updates will be provided weekly. Thank you for your patients.
For Questions: 如有問题可洽:
- Registration & account 注册网站有関: harry.li.3388@gmail.com
- On-line Payment 网上付費: lishuyue@yahoo.com
- Textbook 教科書: zhenli37@hotmail.com
- Anything else, please contact the Principal 其他問题请联系校长: meiling.chiang1@gmail.com.