[Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it.] Proverbs 22:6
Established in 1983, GPCCS aims to teach the Chinese language and introduce Chinese culture to the community. As a non-profit school, GPCCS is affiliated with Greater Phoenix Chinese Christian Church and has been a member of the Chinese school reginal union in the U.S. since December 1990. In addition to its goal of providing a holistic Chinese education, GPCCS hopes to help its students develop character and grow in Christ’s love. All teachers and staff are dedicated to glorifying the Lord, edifying the students, and promoting Chinese culture.
鳳城華人基督教會中文學校成立于1983, 是一非營利組織學校。本校附屬于鳳城華人基督教會, 成立宗旨除了教導學生學習中文及中國傳統文化以外, 並融和基督博愛真理來培養學生健全品格。
Our Chinese Language Classes: Children sing & play, Zhu-Yin, Preschool, Kindergarten, Traditional, Simplified, AP class, Bilingual and Adult conversation classes.
中文:兒童唱遊, 注音, 學前, 幼兒, 正體, 簡體, AP班, 雙語, 成人會話班等。
Our Chinese Culture Classes: Sunday 3:30-4:30PM
Chinese drawing, Hands-on Paper Art, Children/youth folk dance, Chinese Wu Shu, Tutoring, Chinese Computer Class.
All of our teachers and staff work together with the same goal to spread Chinese culture and glorify the Lord. They are dedicated, enthusiastic, and well-trained. To meet the needs of different oversea cultural backgrounds and the current demand, our school innovates teaching methods and enhances the administrative system while maintaining their flexibility. To further improve our teaching quality, we constantly interact with other Chinese schools. In December 1990, our school became a member of the Southern California Council of Chinese Schools (SCCCS). By regularly sending teachers and staff to SCCCS conferences and training programs, we have kept up with the latest Chinese teaching trends and skills. Some of our teachers have even received oversea training in Taiwan. In addition, the school provides on-site workshops for our teachers and staff every semester. Over the years, all these measures have resulted in positive impact on our teachers and students. Thanks to the parent’s involvement and the support from the brothers and sisters of the Greater Phoenix Chinese Christian Church and other Chinese churches, the school has continued its booming growth.