Parent Duty Policy


General Policy 义工责任:

  1. Our GPCCS is a non-profit organization. All administrative staff serve on a volunteer basis.
  2. Parent volunteers are needed to support our various school functions and programs (ex: office, campus, library, prize store, competition judges, and tutors), therefore, each family is obligated to volunteer a minimum of 4 hours per semester and 8 hours per school year.
  3. You may choose the dates and your area of preference during online registration or on registration day. It is on a first come, first serve basis. One week prior to volunteer duty, you will receive a reminder email.
  4. Parent on duty deposit is $40 for each new family per school year. The deposit is refundable after you complete your assignments of 8 hours or can be transferred to next school year.
  5. Parents should sign in and sign out on their days of duty. You should let school know in advance if you are unable to do your day of duty. You must sign up for another day to make it up.
  6. If assigned volunteers do not serve the required volunteer hours during the school year, a fee of $5 will be added to the registration fee for the following school year. Your additional deposit will adjust on registration day.
  1. GPCCS 中文学校是非盈利机构。所有员工都是自愿者。
  2. 家长义工需要帮助学校的运作(例如办公室,校园,图书馆,奖品屋,比赛裁判,及辅导)。每学期,家长需要做4小时的义工,一个学年两次,共8小时。
  3. 在报名时,您可以选择做义工的日期。一星期前,您将收到提醒邮件。
  4. 报名时,每家将被预收$40抵押金。做完义工后,押金将被退,或被转职下学期。
  5. 义工日,请签到。如果您不能来做义工,请通知学校,并更换服务日期。
  6. 如果您没有一学年做8小时的义工服务,下学年注册时将被额外收费$5。


Task Details 服务内容:

  1. Arrive at the school office at 1:30 pm. Sign in with the PTA lead of the day and grab an orange vest from the office to put on.
  2. Assist teachers in making copies for classroom materials as needed.
  3. Help the prize store, library, writing competitions, and tutors as needed.
  4. Patrol the hallways, parking lots, playground, especially during recess, to ensure the safety of students. No running and no shouting allowed in the hallway. No crossing the street outside the school perimeters during school hours. No loud talking during class time.
  5. At 3:30 pm, clean the classroom and take the trash out. Then return your orange vest to office and put it back in the box. Sign yourself out on the sign in/out sheet and inform the PTA lead when you departure.
  1. 义工需要1:30 pm 准时到办公室签到,并穿上学校提供的安全背心。
  2. 帮助老师们复印教材。
  3. 帮助奖品屋,图书馆,写作比赛,等各种老师需要。
  4. 维护学生课间休息的安全。禁止学生在走廊内和教室里大声喧哗。保证学生在校园内活动。
  5. 放学后,清理各教室的垃圾,将安全背心归还办公室,并完成签到后离开。
