
Chinese Go

Weiqi / Chinese Go

Weiqi is one of the simplest games to learn, yet profound in its depth.  Enjoyable at any level of play, weiqi can take years or even a lifetime to master.  A game once enjoyed by emperors thousands of years ago, this game is approachable by school children of today and is associated with improved mathematics performance in school.

WeiQi Level I

     This Level I class is targeted at absolute beginners.  Students will learn the rules of play, starting with Capture Go and moving on to the Natural Method, which will teach them to make their groups survive.  They will learn how to end the game, which is unique and unlike any other game.  After mastery of the basics, students will move on to learn the no repetition rule and more advanced concepts like life and death, attack and defense, connection, and common tactical situations.

Instructor:  Paul Wheeler

Paul learned to play Go in 1992 at the Houston Go Club.  He has played at many Go clubs and tournaments over the years in Houston, Singapore, Philadelphia, Dallas, and Phoenix.  Most recently in 2023, Paul took lessons from Feng Yun 9 dan, competed in the US Open Go Tournament, and became an American Go Association Certified Go Instructor.


Open Mic Club

Open Mic Club是每周日下午3:30至4:30在GPCCS的一小时课外课程。该课程专注于10至15岁孩子早期公开演讲能力的培养。家长的参与是这门课程的要求。


Open Mic Club旨在提供一个积极的环境,让孩子们在家长的陪伴下,通过公开演讲的实践发展他们的演讲技能。以下是课程的主要内容:







家长的参与对于Open Mic Club至关重要。家长将在课程中担任指导者、支持者和观众的角色。他们将与孩子一起准备演讲,并提供鼓励和反馈。通过家长的参与,孩子们能够更好地发展他们的演讲技能,并建立更紧密的家庭联系。

通过Open Mic Club的课程的参与,孩子们将在早期阶段培养出自信、清晰表达和自我展示的能力。我们鼓励家长们与孩子一起参与这个有意义的课程,共同助力孩子们的成长和发展。

老师:Wendy Wong 衍稳


Book Pickup 2023

Time: July 29, 1:30-3:00 PM
Location: 890 W. Ray Road, Chandler, AZ85225

– For payment with check, please write check payable to GPCCS; For payment with zelle, our zelle account name is The Greater Phoenix Chinese and account email is

– No need to show up if you have paid online using zelle and do not need a new text book (Or your class does not require a textbook)

For everyone’s safety, please follow the payment and textbooks pickup procedure like this: Print/write your registration # in large bold fonts and show it to our staff onsite. Turn in your payment slip and check (Write the registration # on check memo, if you paid with zelle, please write down your zelle account email or phone number on the payment slip.). After verified by school staff, textbooks/materials will be handed to you. If you have not registered the class yet, please do so first before you come turn in payment and pick up textbooks/materials.

地点:890 W. Ray Road, Chandler, AZ85225

– 如果用支票缴费,请在支票台头上写GPCCS; 如果是用zelle缴费,我们的zelle 账户名字是 The Greater Phoenix Chinese, 账户邮箱是

– 如果你已在网上完成注冊和用zelle交费,并且你不需要新课本(或者課程不需要课本),您可以不必來学校。

为了大家的安全着想,请按以下的程序来缴费取书本:用大的黑体字打印或者书写你的注册号码,在缴费/取书点出示给学校教工。上交你的收费单和支票 (请把注册号码写在支票的备注栏上,如果你已经用zelle交了钱,请把你的zelle账户邮箱或者电话号码写在收费单上),在教工核对后会把书本递交给你。如果你还没有注册课程,请先完成注册再来缴费和领取书本/教学资料。


Bilingual 6




Japanese Beginner


Traditional 1


Bilingual 3


Book pickup origin

Time: August 1st, 1:30-3:30 PM
Location: 890 W. Ray Road, Chandler, AZ85225

– For payment with check, please write check payable to GPCCS; For payment with zelle, our zelle account name is The Greater Phoenix Chinese and account email is

– No need to show up if you have paid online using zelle and do not need a new text book (Or your class does not require a textbook)

  • Classes need pick up new textbook – Simplify 1-9, All traditional classes, bilingual 1.
  • Class material preparation cost only and no need to pick up new textbook or materials: Conversation I & II, all Pre-school & kindergarten
  • Continue using last semester book, no need to pick up new textbook: Bilingual 2, 3, 4
  • AP text book will be ordered by students, no need to pick up new textbook.

– You will NOT be able to register onsite on 8/1, please register online beforehand.

– If you want to try the class you registered first, please keep the textbook clean and do not write on it so that you can return it for an exchange.

地点:890 W. Ray Road, Chandler, AZ85225

– 如果用支票缴费,请在支票台头上写GPCCS; 如果是用zelle缴费,我们的zelle 账户名字是 The Greater Phoenix Chinese, 账户邮箱是

– 如果你已在网上完成注冊和用zelle交费,并且你不需要新课本(或者課程不需要课本),您可以不必來学校。

  • 需要來学校領取课本書的班級:簡一至簡九, 正体班, bilingual I (双语一班)。         
  • 只收材料准备費沒有课本,不需要取课本/材料:  成人会话一,二班,所有的学前班和幼儿班. 
  • 仍用去年课本,不需要取课本: 双语二,三,四班. 
  • 中文大学选修课由学生自己购买课本,不需要取课本。

– 另外八月一日当天,学校無法提供在取书地点注册。请您先在网上注册。

– 如果你想先试课,请保持课本干净,不要在课本上写字,以便退换课本。

For everyone’s safety, please follow the books pick up procedure like this: Print/write your registration # in large bold fonts and put it on your car dashboard/windshield when you approach stop 1 and 2 in the picture below. Turn in your payment slip and check (Write the registration # on check memo, if you paid with zelle, please write down your zelle account email or phone number on the payment slip.) at stop 1 with passenger side window roll down. Pick up books/materials on the desk yourself at stop 2. If you have not registered the class yet, please do so first before you come pick up books/materials. If you have question, please call 480-5993115 when approaching stop 1

为了大家的安全着想,请按以下的程序来取书本:用大的黑体字打印或者书写你的注册号码,并在你的车接近下面图示中的停车点1和2时把它放在你的车的挡风玻璃下。请在停车点1打开车子乘客一侧的窗子,上交你的收费单和支票 (请把注册号码写在支票的备注栏上,如果你已经用zelle交了钱,请把你的zelle账户邮箱或者电话号码写在收费单上)。请在停车点2下车到桌子上取书本/教学资料。如果你还没有注册课程,请先完成注册再来领取书本/教学资料。如果你有问题,请在接近停车点1的时候电话480-5993115.


Important Notice Orig

重要通知 Important Announcement

新学期注册 Registration Information

1. For this school year, there will only be online registration from now until 7/31, at *The office is not open.

 本校今年只能网上報名 ,注册7/31日截止,網址 学校辦公室暫時不会開放。家长可以在新网站注册,報名。

2.Registration procedures are changed due to the COVID-19. 注册程序因疫情变更如下

Date日期Registration Timeline 程序
7/26Registration  online only 
– We will NOT have in person registration on 7/26.  Please do not come to school on 7/26.  Online registration tutorial videos: Video1, Video2, Video3, Video4, Video5
– 七月二十六日当天我们不会提供在学校现场注册,请不要到学校来。网上注册教学视频:视频1视频2视频3视频4视频5
7/26 *(optional Registration Webinar) 1:30-3:30Optional Registration zoom online help will be provided.
-If you need assistance during the registration process, please join our ZOOM meeting.
Meeting ID: 828 3800 0161
Passcode: 7777777
7/31Registration ends (5pm) 注册截止 5pm
8/1 *Drive through 1:30-3:30 Map and info will be available on website
Drive Through Pick up of Textbook (check #6 below if needed)
Time: August 1st, 1:30-3:30 PM
Location: 890 W. Ray Road, Chandler, AZ85225
地点:890 W. Ray Road, Chandler, AZ85225

– For payment with check, please write check payable to GPCCS; For payment with zelle, our zelle account name is The Greater Phoenix Chinese and account email is

Please print the payment slip and bring it with your payment check (Write the registration ID on check memo, if you paid with zelle, please write down your zelle account email or phone number on the payment slip.) when you come pick up books/materials at school on 08/01/2020. We will soon have finalized detail info about how and what time to pick up books/materials on

– No need to show up if you have paid online using zelle and do not need a new text book (Or your class does not require a text book)

– You will NOT be able register onsite at book pick up location on 8/1, please register online beforehand.

– If you want to try the class you registered first, please keep the textbook clean and do not write on it so that you can return it for an exchange.

– 如果用支票缴费,请在支票台头上写GPCCS; 如果是用zelle缴费,我们的zelle 账户名字是 The Greater Phoenix Chinese, 账户邮箱是


– 如果你已在网上完成注冊和用zelle交费,并且你不需要新课本(或者課程没有课本),您可以不必來学校。


– 如果你想先试课,请保持课本干净,不要在课本上写字,以便退换课本。
8/2First Day of School 開学日

 3. 学校八月二日開学,8/2 – First day of school 開学

Due to COVID-19, on-line classes will be offered for at least the first two months for Preschool and above from 8/2-9/27. The Sing & Play class will start when we can meet onsite. An update will be provided closer to 9/27.


4. After you register, teachers will contact parents and students for ZOOM class information.

Sing & Play 3+ class will not open until school campus open.  Please check website for update  


5. Parent volunteer deposit ($40) will be waived. Please select four volunteer choices during online registration. These volunteer hours will not be started until we meet onsite again. .本学期,因疫情,不收家长義工押金。注册时,你仍需選義工时間,待回校上課後,家长義工才開始。

6. Classes need pick up new text book – Simplify 1-9, All traditional classes, bilingual 1.

  • Class material preparation cost only and no need to pick up new text book or materials: Conversation I & II, all Pre-school & kindergarten
  • Continue using last semester book, no need to pick up new text book: Bilingual 2, 3, 4
  • AP text book will be ordered by students, no need to pick up new text book.

需要來学校領取课本書的班級:簡一至簡九, 正体班, bilingual I (双语一班)。         

  • 只收材料准备費沒有课本,不需要取课本/材料:  成人会话一,二班,所有的学前班和幼儿班. 
  • 仍用去年课本,不需要取课本: 双语二,三,四班. 
  • 中文大学选修课由学生自己购买课本,不需要取课本。  

7.Additional updates will be provided weekly.  Thank you for your patients. 


For Questions: 如有問题可洽: